Zoe Doss Kavanaugh graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Bachelors of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology. During this time, she was privileged to research with Drs. Woods and Yund at the Human Cognitive Neurophysiology Lab at the Martinez, California Veterans Medical Center. She then went on to earn her Doctorate of Audiology.
Zoe was accepted to work with Dr. Benjamin Hornsby for Vanderbilt University’s prestigious T-35 training fellowship funded by the NIH, and continued to work in his lab until the end of her Audiology training. Zoe then completed Vanderbilt University’s Honors Externship. Zoe maintains a Certificate of Clinical Competence through the American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). She has enjoyed working at Head and Neck Surgical Associates since 2016. Zoe and her wonderful husband, Fr. Peter, have 3 children, and enjoy running a co-op at St. Benedict’s Orthodox Church, reading books together, cooking, going on hikes, and weight lifting.
Scientific Publications:
Woods DL, Doss Z, Herron TJ, et. al. (2015). Speech Perception in older hearing impaired listeners: benefits of perceptual training. PLoS One. Mar. 10(3):e0113965.
Woods DL, Arbogast T, Doss Z, Younus M, Herron TJ, Yund EW. (2015). Aided and unaided speech perception by older hearing impaired listeners. PLoSOne. Mar. 10(3):e0114922.
Woods DL, Doss Z, Herron TJ, Yund EW. (2012). Age-related changes in consonant and sentence processing. J Rehabil Res Dev. Jan. 49(8):1277-1291.